Rules and Regulations

  • Students who come to school should arrive at school before the bell rings. The morning bell before a class or assembly is a signal for all to go to the assembly or to their respective classrooms. This should be done promptly and in silence.
  • Changing of classrooms between periods should be done in an orderly manner so as not to cause inconvenience to other classes.
  • Use of abusive language is unbecoming of any civilized individual. Students guilty of such use will be dealt with seriously.
  • Care must be taken of school property. No student should damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls. Damage done should be reported at once to the class teacher.
  • Recovery for any damage will be made from the concerned student.
  • Lending or borrowing of money or other articles is strictly prohibited. No buying and selling of goods is permitted amongst students.
  • The school is not responsible for goods lost. It is not advisable to bring valuable articles (like expensive watches, fountain-pens, items of jewellery, i-pods, etc.) to the school. The items will be confiscated.
  • Students who come to school with their escorts should leave with the escorts only after the school. In case of delay, they should report to the school office.
  • Parents and Guardians of all students should contact the teachers on the PTM days to note the progress of their wards.
  • Parents and guardians must not visit their wards or teachers without the prior permission.
  • The name, class and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all the belongings of the students. Water bottles, Lunch box, Lunch bag & Napkin should also bear the name of the student.
  • Latecomers, wearing civil clothes and those who do not do their homework regularly will be penalized.
  • A student who uses unfair means during tests will be given no marks in the subject and warning letter will be issued to this effect. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal.
  • A sick child should not be sent to school. In case of a child falling sick, caretakers, guardians must get a letter from the parent to take the child home.
  • Students are not allowed to go to a relative's/friend's house from school. Students Std. V to X should not be dressed in casuals on birthday.
  • Parents are requested to send the lunch box or any other school related material along with the student. Any packet sent to school later will not be accepted due to security reasons.


  • Today's children are tomorrow's citizens, So children must learn good things..
  • The school uniform must be worn on all working days. Students are expected to be clean and tidy.
  • Students must be in school premises by 7.40 a.m. The 1st bell rings at 7.40 a.m. The 2 bell rings 7.45 a.m. assembly starts at 7.50am and school gates will be closed at 8.00 a.m. sharp.
  • Class room is a sacred place and unnecessary talking in the class is forbidden.
  • The school and its surroundings should be kept neat and clean.
  • Any damage caused to school toys, equipments and other appliances shall be made good by those concerned.
  • No student is allowed to leave the school before scheduled timings. In case of emergency a written request should be made by the parent.
  • The school is not responsible for the loss of books, pen, pencil, tiffin boxes, umbrella, money or other things, Students are not allowed to wear ornaments of gold, costly wrist watches or any other jewellery in the school.
  • Students are expected never to forget to wish as the case may be to their teachers and elders.
  • Students should never scream shout howl make whistling noises in the school.
  • As a precaution for health fit hygiene students are forbidden from buying any eatables near and outside the compound.
  • Students should always speak English in the school. They will always be monitored by the teachers in this aspect.
  • Students should not loiter in the Veranda. They should always walk on the left side while climbing up or going down the stair case.
  • Students are not allowed to go home for lunch. Lunch boxes should be brought along with the students when they come to school. Bringing water bottle with water is compulsory.

NB : T.C. Bonafide and Duplicate Marksheet and other required documents will be issued only after one/two days of